Thursday, May 19, 2011

Here we go...again!

So, I decided it was time to blog again. I may be the only one to ever read this, but I am okay with that. I just enjoyed it so much when AE was younger. It was nice to just jot down little thoughts about how things were going, memories we were making, and a chance to vent when things were going crazy! And now that I am chasing two kiddos, I had to come up with a new blog. Sissy Poo is what Owen and I call Autumn when we go pick her up from Mother's Day Out. We sing, "Sissy Poo, Sissy Poo, Where Are You?" And you can guess how I came up with Owen's part of this blog...

I would write and tell you about how Owen decided that it was time to wake up at 4:30 this morning, and how he eventually went back sleep at 6am...however, I did not. I would tell you about the funny things they have done recently; however, one kid stinks beyond anything something should smell this early in the morning...and the other one is already demanding I must start the morning. Can't wait to vent...I mean, share our adventures!!!

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