Thursday, May 26, 2011


The morning I decided to start this blog, is the same morning I looked back on Autumn's blog ( to compare age and bedtime habits. Surprisingly, ae was already in her toddler bed and she was going to bed on her own (somewhat), but having a rough time at naptime.

Owen; however, is nowhere near ready to be taken out of the crib...or at least I am not ready for him to be. I plan on keeping him in the baby bed till he's at least 5. I am serious. I can't imagine trying to get him to stay in bed. It just wouldn't work!!!

Anyways, bedtime and naptime works as long as I rock the boy to sleep, and he is actually tired enough to fall asleep. Then I have to wait for a while to make sure he's good and asleep so that he stays asleep when I put him in the crib. Well, this tends to be exhausting and very frustrating at times. Don't get me wrong, I love cuddling and rocking him. But it's a very long process at times, and then after all that time, sometimes it still doesn't work. And then he's crabby and cranky...and so am I.

So, tonight...I almost got him to sleep by rocking him (even though I know it's not the best way, sometimes it's just easier, that way I don't have to worry about him crying and waking ae up, too!) but he woke up crying as I put him in his bed. I left him there, crying. Almost went to him several times. But waited just a little bit longer. And I was on my way to go get him just a minute ago...and I checked the monitor...NOTHING...nothing at crying, yelling, sobbing...nothing. Yay!!! After an hour, he feel asleep!!! Now, I just need to be consistent and try to let him do this for the next few nights so that it gets easier for him.

Wish me luck! Yay, Owen! Thank you, God for calming him down, for protecting him, and for keeping me away just long enough for him to fall me to do what's best for him...even if it's not always easy.

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